About Me

My photo
You should all know me. if you dont well im sorry im coolest damn person you could ever meet (sorry mom for cussing). currently I have blondw hair. I have dark yummy chocolate eyes and fabulous looking chaped lips, mm, they are soo kissable! i have soft hands when im giving massages other than that they are kinda rough sorry. Dont get me started on my legs JUST KIDDING guess what i shave them and my arms im hairless or trying to be.. I hope I created a beautiful picture for you love you all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

not so great

So most of you know i was down at my parents for 2 weeks cause i was sick and then i went home friday afternoon. so pretty much i was back home in taylor for only like hmm 3 daysish. Out of those 3 days one of my friends was in a roll over accident luckly no one else was with her or in the accident. she broke her hip, back, eye socket, and had a laserated spleen. Yet she still stood up and was fighting off the paramedics. any ways they air vaced her to maricopa hospital. as soon as my friend said she was out of icu and we were allowed to see her wow i darted to my car and headed back to the valley on tuesday i end up finding out i wasnt allowed to see her till next week, cause she cant remember anyone and is screaming at people. well besides that my best friend rob i didnt think i was going to be here for his birthday but hey i came down but also i wanted to take him out with some friends his little girl toy whatever she maybe took him out 1st so that really sucked pretty much i didnt get to see him on his birthday. i think im just getting craped on like a bunch of birds are over my head laugh as the poop on me! oh well :D at least im still happy.........


Barnes Blog said...

who is this friend? Do I know her? Is she ok now? I wish I could be there when you come to town, I miss my Lydas.

Lyder Fire said...

by the way i lied there were 3 others with her but they walked about with bruises